Develop essential community facilities in your area.
An essential community facility provides an essential service to the local community for development in primarily rural area.
Need-to-know facts about this funding program
Who may apply?
Public bodies, community-based non-profits, and federally-recognized Tribes
What is an eligible area?
Any rural area with no more than 20,000 residents (which includes every town in Vermont except Burlington and Essex)
What are the funding options?
Low-interest loans and grants, or a combination of the two
Funding priorities
Priority is based on population and median household income. Highest priority goes to communities with a population of 5,500 or less and low-income communities with median household income below 80% of the state median household income.
How can these funds be used?
Funds can be used to purchase, construct, and / or improve essential community facilities, purchase equipment and pay related project expenses.
Examples of essential community facilities include:
Public facilities such as town halls, courthouses, airport hangars or street improvements
Community support services such as child care centers, community centers, fairgrounds or transitional housing
Local food systems such as community gardens, food pantries, community kitchens, food banks, food hubs or greenhouses
Get started now!
Applications are accepted year round! Contact your local Rural Development office to begin your application, discuss your project, and ask any questions!
Click the image on the left to download the official Program Fact Sheet. The sheet will give more information and contact information for your local Rural Development Office