The Clean Energy Development Fund was established to facilitate affordable and efficient renewable electricity production in Vermont. The Fund's main goal is to support small-scale renewable energy and increase financial benefits from these projects.
Current Funding Opportunities & Projects
CEDF is offering CASH INCENTIVES to home and business owners who switch out their coal-burning heating systems for advanced wood heating (pellet stoves or central wood heating systems)
Receive up to 50% of the cost, or $10,000 (whichever is less) for switching your system.
This is IN ADDITION to CEDF’s $3,000 incentive to purchase a pellet burner or furnace.
Coal Heating Change-Out Adder
2. Bulk Pellet Storage Incentives
The CEDF is distributing cash vouchers to customers who purchase an eligible bulk pellet storage bin.
The Fund will give up to $3,000 or 85% of the cost of the storage bin and/or materials, whichever is less.
This incentive is available on a first-come-first-serve basis until the funds or spent, or until December 10, 2021, whichever comes first. Remaining funds will be posted here.